"We need help both inside and out!"
Can you make a lawn and garden area look beautiful? Would you be willing to use your gifts in beautifying the building and grounds of The Worship Center? If that's you, we're looking for you! We need help!
How the building and grounds look are the very first impression that people have when they drive by. We could be an awesome place to meet with the Lord and His people (and we are!), but if the outside looks unkempt and crummy, no one will want to come in!
It's a vital service to be able to plant the right flowers and shrubs at the right time, to keep the flower beds mulched, trimmed and weeded; to keep the grass weeded, fed, cut and edged; to keep the parking lot clean, and ensure that all lights are in good working order. And that's just the outside!
The inside also needs to show that we honor the Lord and respect the property that He has provided for us. Building maintenance folk make sure that the doors don't squeak, that there are no burnt out lights, no dripping faucets, no stained up ceiling tiles... well, you get the idea!
If you have a heart for keeping the House of God attractive and honoring to the Lord and His people - and some ability and availability, we'd love to talk to you about it!
Call us! Email us! Fill out the Contact Form or stop by the Front Reception Desk located in main lobby!
Contact us at (301) 375-8655 or office@theworshipcenter.org